Our fee(s) structure:

For people looking for funding, we require an upfront account setup & service fee based on the amount of financing required To set up your account and put you in contact with our funding contacts who have the means to fund you. Getting interest from our funding partners usually takes less than a day. (This is a one-time fee per project in need of funding)
Funding Needed                                                                     Fee Required
$50,000 – $1,000,000                                                                  $199.00

$2,000,000 - $4,000,000                                                            $299.00
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000                                                           $425.00
Above $10 Million                                                                        $625.00
*If you want to pay the account setup fee now, click on our page labeled "Pay Account Setup Fee Here" and then "click" on the picture and description matching the amount of funding you’re looking for. Once you "click" on your choice, Click the “Pay Fee ." Then, fill in your information and credit/debit card information onto the secured and encrypted form, and that's it. You will receive a receipt in your email that you entered.
**We also charge a 1.5 % success fee. (Due After) you have accepted and received funding in part or complete because of Plan B Funding Options efforts.
Example of when and how the 1.5 % Success Fee is due:
*For example, you are looking for $500,000 for a project or some other reason.
Step 1: You send us information about what the money is for, such as a business plan, summary, etc.
Step 2: If we think we can help find funding for you in a timely manner, we will inform you either way. If it's decided, we can help and follow the next steps.
Step 3: You will need to become a Client of Square One Funding and pay the required up-front account setup fee based on the amount of funding you are seeking. Then, fill out and sign the 1.5% Success/Referral Fee Agreement and send it to us for your file.
Step 4:  We will have our people use the information and attachments, if any, you sent us to create a funding request and send it to our proven time and again investors/lenders for their review.
Step 5: Let’s say one of our investors/lenders likes your info and decides to fund the entire $500,000 with you, and then both of you sign whatever is agreed upon, and the Investor/Lender then sends you the $500,000 to your bank, we will say.
Step 6: Now that you have $500,000 in your account, you can withdraw it, hold it in your hands, and do what you intended to do with it.
Step 7At this point, you have 48 hours to bank wire us 1.5% of the $500,000, which would be $7,500 for this example.
Services provided for all Square One Funding clients:
Using the information provided by our clients, such as business plans and executive summaries or any other information provided, we create a new funding request to send to our potential funding contacts(investors/lenders) who have the means to fund them.
·         We send the funding request to 3 to 5 different funding contacts per week, generally on Monday and Tuesday, and then repeat this process each week until funding has been obtained or when all our resources have been exhausted. 
·         Square One Funding acts as a liaison or point of contact for our funding contacts who receive the funding requests.
·         If any funding contacts request additional information to help them decide to invest with clients, Square One Funding  will contact our clients immediately to inform them of the request from our funding contact(s).
·         Square One Funding will also contact clients with all funding offers and terms that our funding contacts may present.
·         Square One Funding  will advise clients regarding any funding offers and/or terms presented from the funding contacts to help clients receive the best possible terms for all parties involved.