
What Our Clients Are Saying

Square One Funding thanks all our clients and staff that help make our Company a well-respected place for both people looking for funding as well as our investors and lenders that have the means to fund them. To add your personal Testimonial, please email us at: info@square1funding.com  and put the word (Testimonial) in the subject box. Thank you

"We have worked with Square One , on a number of occasions for our clients looking for funding– we find their honesty, vision, ambition and desire to push out the peer to peer funding barriers, honestly: truly inspirational –  the entire Square One  team have created an impact on us"

Antonio Mendieta, Director. Mendieta & Mendieta Law,  .


 "I am happy about my membership with  Square One Funding  they put me in contact with several investors and lenders for our international wholesale business, and as a result  we were able to obtain the funding needed with immediate results."

George Coello-   Senior Marketing. Mayoreo Inc. Madrid, Spain.


"Square One Funding  has brought an innovative approach to peer to peer funding, their knowledge, vision, passion, self-motivation and energy gives those tools to create the perfect place for people looking for funding and investors looking for a good investment.  It was also great fun to talk to them."

Janine C. Beanbridge, Director, Merchandise .


“The guys at Square one have been absolutely fantastic – I can’t ever remember a leading know-how team in my career that had such unanimous vote of excellence from every single participant – I was literally inundated with praises for them – from personal admiration, to content, inspiration, motivation, their inter-personal skills are really second to none"

Brenda Morin,  eMedia Group, Miami.


 "Your business plan training program and guidance was fundamental in improving our understanding of what it really takes to set up and run a small business and get funding.  It has been great to see the customer satisfaction scores improve materially. Square One Funding  came to us highly recommended.  And they have proven to be very effective in finding the funding we needed to achieve results and bring our crew and myself through our adventure to ultimately win the world's toughest yacht race"

Michael Sterling, Konstant Marketing,

A first class job by a total committed team. Thank you.

"Your business philosophy was well received; your method of communication was first class and the humor added greatly to the experience. We have had an unbelievably positive response and look forward to using Square One Funding services again if we need additional funding in the future”.

Howard M. Samual, CEO, Retail Technologies, Los Angeles.


“Your real skill lies in the way you exposed my company to investors with an outstanding ability to communicate the steadfastness and tenacity, commitment to oneself and others, dedication to hard work and the requirement to set goals that are necessary to secure the ultimate investment. Square One team  accomplished all of these skills and we have been able to secure the capital needed to expand our international business. Thank you Sirs”

Gus H. Perez, Exec. Director, Xtreme Lubricants International.


“There was a lot of interesting information shared and opened up which was our aim. Your genuine interest in our project gave us a lot of confidence in your work; we’re very impressed, the feedback was extremely positive. On the whole though I think square one funding was highly motivated with experience, intelligence, and humor.”

Daniel. Bryburg, Owner, Competent Building Design, San Diego.


"The people at Square One Funding  were amazing at supplying the right information. The Biz Plan template creation helped us immensely. We were able to find 475k funding from an awesome investor for our start up business with a great and easy ROI terms."

Michael Williams, Long Beach, California.


"Square One funding  is such an easy way to find funding.  We registered with them and sent them our info and business plan, they found an investor that was in New York, not too far from us with an excellent offer and terms."

Bill Greenberg, homeowner and entrepreneur, New York City.


 "About Square One Funding: Extremely customer oriented. Very easy to work with. Service, Service and more Service"

John Gonzalez, Green Technologies, San Ramon California.


"Awesome peer to peer investor/lending Service. Keep up the good work."

Brian P. Smith, R.E. Mortgage, Los Angeles


"We got the expansion funding we were looking for through Square One  service. Several investors contacted us. Another typical vanilla lending site wasn’t good enough for us."

Adrian Valdez & Stephanie RedCleaf, Pet Shop Owners, Houston.


"The Square One funding  investors were available to answer any questions we had. We were able to contact a lender in New York that we heard about in the past but didn’t know if we could trust. The square one guys helped us by making the information available."

Carl Johnson, exec. director, Johnson marine products, New Jersey.


“square one funding   gave us the information of a lender that had the lowest rates and a very easy application process. Thank you. Excellent Service! “

Marie Jones, self-employed mktg. agent, Los Angeles.


"Applied for funding through  square one service. Loved it. Easy. We got 3 calls in one day from different investors interested in our project, each with different attractive offers and terms. The investors’ could not be any better. Thanks a lot."

Bob H. Fergman, sales, Beach Water Sports, Miami.


"Prompt response. Efficient closing. I'm sure nobody would beat the rate our lender got us, and we found them through Square One Funding. It was quick and easy to do”

Mike Peterson, homeowner,  New York.


“Great service and very fast response. Helpful and very knowledgeable people, with so much information and lenders available right away, it was hard for us to make a decision. We needed to find a way to refinance our home with a reputable company. The Square One guys  answered our questions and gave us access to the investors."

Ann Velez, homeowner, Atlanta.


"We are happy with your Square One Funding, it was a good starting point for our loan shopping!. Never seen so many investors in one place. You guys do an awesome job following up with your customers. I am very pleased”

Maria Garcia, Commercial Broker, San Diego.


"Square One Funding was the easiest fastest way to get a home improvement loan investor with a competitive rate. The marketing officer we worked with was extremely good and knowledgeable."

Sam J. White, homeowner, Chicago.